Two Agreements of the Soul: a retreat exploring identity and purpose.

Guided by Sabrina and Zamir, this retreat provides a safe and supportive community of Patterns to Presence Graduates to decode our true motivations, understand our core strengths and gifts, and access deep sources of inspiration.

Unlocking Your Full Potential

In Patterns to Presence you worked to deconstruct the ideas of who you are, the patterns and beliefs that limit you, and re-connect to your inner child.

Now, let’s focus on your unique gifts and talents, and how the challenges you faced were a necessary part of the journey of self-knowledge.

To create the life you really want, we have to ask these questions: What am I really good at? What makes me feel alive? What is my WHY? What is holding me back from manifesting my dreams and desires?

Through introspective group work, journaling, embodiment practices, and individual soul-work, you will be guided to rediscover the fire that ignites your soul towards a path of service and aligns with your most Authentic Self.

Consciously Create Your Destiny

In this retreat, we will introduce you to two personality and spiritual development systems we’ve been exploring for years. We are using these tools as powerful mirrors to see ourselves and our reality more deeply.

The Enneagram is a personality system that categorizes people into nine distinct types, each with its own motivations, fears, desires, and defense mechanisms. 

Sabrina studied the Enneagram extensively for a decade, created her own two-step questionnaire for you to know your enneagram type, and arrived at this monumental realization: The Enneagram type isn’t meant to define us, but rather make us aware of the triggers and barriers on our path to self-actualization. The true value of this system lies in breaking free from patterns that don’t serve our highest purpose.

Read more about Sabrina’s insights here on the INSEAD MBA Blog – Part 1 & Part 2.

Gene Keys is a system of personal development and spiritual exploration developed by Richard Rudd. It is based on the principles of human genetics, the ancient Chinese I Ching (Book of Changes), and modern understanding of human consciousness. The Gene Keys system aims to help individuals unlock their highest potential and live a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

By exploring and contemplating their Gene Keys, individuals can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and life purpose. The Gene Keys system provides a framework for self-reflection, growth, and ultimately, the realization of one’s highest potential.

Zamir has spent a number of years studying the Chinese I Ching (Book of Changes) and the Gene Keys. It enriched his understanding of the human journey as a progressive revelation of our own unique awakening process, and as a map to aid in the unfolding of our personal myth.

Hear the story about the Two Agreements of the Soul:

Your Gifts

Your gifts are your place of genius. They may come effortlessly or more easily to the person compared to others.

It is where your virtues shine, not just your skills. When we are living in the gifted state, there is a sense of “Ah! This is what I’m here to do, this is what I’m meant to be”.

This is a place of personal power, because it’s connected to something that is intrinsically strong in us – something that we are genuinely good at. When we understand our gifts and learn to develop them, they become immeasurable allies and sources of strength. Our confidence radiates because we know that we have something to offer even when we don’t know how the world will receive it.

This is the place where giving and receiving flow together, a place where service arises and we feel part of the whole

Program Details

October 12-15, 2023

Immerse yourself in an enriching experience at our transformative retreat, where every aspect is thoughtfully curated to nourish your mind, body, and soul.

We will provide crafted delicious home-cooked meals and a bountiful array of snacks for you to enjoy throughout the entire weekend, ensuring you have all the sustenance you need to fully embrace the journey ahead.

As we believe in the power of continuous support, the package also includes two weeks of follow-up programming online, designed to help you seamlessly integrate the retreat’s teachings into your daily life, ensuring lasting positive changes.

All necessary program materials will be provided, so you can fully immerse yourself in the enriching journey ahead.

Location: A beautiful private residence just outside of Seattle, about 30 mins from Sea-Tac Airport.

Capacity: 8 participants

Cost: $795 USD

Please note: This program is only for graduates of Patterns to Presence. Accommodations are not included.

Fill out this form to sign-up:

P2P Retreat

Are you open to sharing accomodations and rides with another attendee? (If yes, we will help connect you)(Required)